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Making Every Conversation Count (MECC) - join the conversation

Being a teacher means you are very likely to interact with lots of people every day.

Could you use these routine interactions to have conversations about how to make positive improvements to a person’s physical and mental health and general wellbeing, such as:

  • where to get support to quit smoking
  • tips for cutting back on alcohol
  • ways to improve diet and achieve a healthy weight
  • how to get active and move more
  • how to get help for better mental health.

Want to Make Every Contact Count (MECC)?

Free in-person and online MECC training is available to anyone who lives or works in Kent to help you:

  • develop the skills to have conversations about health and wellbeing
  • learn how asking questions and listening effectively is a vital role for all of us
  • feel confident signposting people to local health services.

As well as a half-day MECC training session, there are also opportunities to take a two-day course to become an MECC trainer.

To find out more, book or to register your interest for the Train the Trainer course  – visit join the conversation