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Ministry of Defence (MoD) Education Support Fund bidding open

Bidding for the MoD Education Support Fund opens 1 June 2016 until 30 September 2016.

The MoD Education Support Fund is a £6 million fund available to publicly funded schools, academies and free schools throughout the UK to mitigate the effects of significant mobility and/or deployment of their service communities.

Schools are a critical part of supporting our service families. Children may have to change school when a service parent is posted or school may support a pupil when a parent is absent for long periods of time.

This fund is available to support schools in embedding practices that can benefit the service children and their school.

Application packs can be downloaded from the Directorate Children Young People website from 1 June 16.

Applications are accepted from State schools/Academies/Free Schools that have a Service community who are being affected by either exceptional mobility and/or deployment are able to apply for a grant from the fund to help alleviate the effects. Please see the instruction and guidance for more information.

The fund application pack is made up of five documents:

  1. 2017 MoD Education Support Fund Instructions and Guidance
  2. The application form itself. Only electronic versions will be accepted
  3. The scoring criteria which shows how applications will be scored (this is not for completion by applicants)
  4. Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
  5. Bid idea examples.