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Movember: supporting male mental health on Kooth

As part of Movember, Kooth are running a series of events across the month of November which you can sign up to as a professional or sign up the students and young people you're supporting.

Movember focuses on male mental health, especially prevention, early intervention and health promotion. Globally, on average, one man dies by suicide every minute of every day and three out of four suicides in the UK are by men.

Virtual live tours of the Kooth site (for students and young people) - about half an hour

  • A very short video outlining the different features on the Kooth website.
  • A live tour which will cover how to sign up to Kooth and the different features on the site - journal, live chat, messaging, magazine, discussion boards and mini-activities.

To book a virtual live tour for your students and young people, please use the booking form

Young Men and Mental Health workshops for boys and males (for groups of students and young people, no more than 15 to a group) - up to an hour

This workshop is designed to create a space for boys and males to start the conversation around mental health, including how Kooth can support them.

The workshop will cover:

  • what is mental health
  • what can affect mental health
  • what can make it difficult to talk about mental health
  • men who have shared their mental health experiences
  • gender roles and stereotypes
  • how kooth can support male mental wellbeing.

To book a Young Men and Mental Health Workshop for your students and young people, please use the booking form

Virtual training sessions on Kooth (for professionals) - around 40 mins

  • Monday 7 November from 4pm to 5pm
  • Wednesday 9 November from 11am to 12pm
  • Tuesday 22 November from 3:45pm to 4:45pm
  • Thursday 24 November from 10am to 11am
  • Monday 28 November from 3:45pm to 4:45pm

To book a training session on Kooth, please use the booking form

Digital resources for Movember

Kooth have created a package of Movember digital assets you can download for free and use on your social media and any other digital platforms.

Hard Copy general Kooth posters, cards and leaflets

If you would like to order the standard hard copy Kooth A4 posters, A5 leaflets or small Kooth cards, simply complete the short order form

Parent and carer webinars on Kooth

The London and South East team run free monthly parent and carer webinars. The sessions are designed to help parents and carers understand how Kooth can support their child with their mental health and wellbeing. The sessions cover:

  • ·A presentation on Kooth (which includes what to consider when wanting to have a conversation with their children about how they're feeling, etc.)
  • A live tour of the Kooth site
  • An opportunity for questions and answers about Kooth

The final dates and times for 2022 are below, with the Eventbrite link to register. If parents and carers have any questions, please ask them to email

Contact details

If you have any queries about any of the above information, please contact