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National Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Day 17 March 2017 - Video Resources

In the run up National CSE Awareness Day on the 17 March Operation Willow, the Child Sexual Exploitation Team and their partners have organised a range of events across the county.

Our theme this year is Youth Engagement. We are recommending the video resources available on the Choose to End It website as a way of stimulating discussion on the issues. We invite you use the video resources to organise your own event.


The choose to end it films are targeted at young people, their parents and at the hospitality industry. 01-Focus, 02-Beauty and 04-Words are most useful in work with young people. 01-Focus, 03-Repeat and 06-Empower can be used to stimulate a discussion with parents. 05-Risk has a focus on the hospitality industry.

All of the films try to offer solutions as well as identifying the problem. They show examples of people choosing to make the right choice when faced with situations that could lead to CSE. Instead of using fear to motivate people they show the power of choice.

Contact Details

Gerry O'Brien
Telephone: 01622 652749
Email: Gerry.O’