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New KCC Model Pay Policy for Schools and Academies for the 2017/18 Pay and Appraisal Cycle

SPS is pleased to announce the launch of its new Pay Policy.

This will replace KCC’s existing Model Pay Policy (dated September 2017) and will become the newly adopted Model Pay Policy for Kent Schools for the 2017/18 Pay and Appraisal cycle onwards.

This means that the existing KCC Model Pay Policy (dated September 2017)* should be used to determine any outstanding pay decisions for teachers and support staff effective for the appraisal period 2016/2017, but the new policy will replace the September 2017 policy for the 2017/2018 Pay and Appraisal cycle onwards.

What’s Changed

In the September 2017 Policy the only model for pay progression referred to was ‘reference points’. The new Model Pay Policy offers schools the ability to consider the use of alternative models to pay progression. This gives schools the freedom to decide which model may allow them to recognise performance and reward for this appropriately, which should be a key factor in any schools policy. In addition it allows schools to look at affordability and how they can consider the recognition of good performance as key to the retention of good quality teachers and staff.

The new policy includes:

  • Alternative financial models to managing teachers’ pay progression - other than the continued use of a reference based pay framework.
  • Options regarding local discretion schools’ have for determining support staff pay progression
  • Scope for schools to further define and refine pay progression criteria appropriate to their local context.

Whilst there is no requirement for schools to move away from a reference point approach to teachers pay, schools are encouraged to take this opportunity to consider whether an alternative approach might better suit their own local context and circumstances. There are maintained schools in Kent that have already moved away from the use of reference points and from our discussions with schools and academies they have asked us to provide examples of what alternatives might look like. The new Model Pay Policy provides these examples allowing schools absolute flexibility to decide what suits their situation best. The new Model Pay Policy will allow your school to make a significant change to pay progression or will also allow for minimum impact if you choose not to adopt a new model.

SPS and Schools Financial Services (SFS) have been holding workshops to discuss these alternatives; what they look and feel like and; how they can work in practical terms, with further workshops planned for November. In addition SFS have produced a financial modelling tool for teaching scenarios to support schools with the management of any change.

This policy is now the adopted model pay policy and the Local Authority expects that all KCC Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools will use this document as the basis for their pay policy. The new document is also strongly recommended for consideration for adoption by Foundation and Voluntary Aided Schools.

Consultation for this policy to become the Local Authority adopted pay policy was undertaken with the professional associations and trade union representatives at county level. However, schools are advised to ensure there is meaningful local consultation with employees and professional association / trade union representatives on any changes to their current policy.

An accompanying guidance document is also available detailing the range of financial models to manage teachers’ pay progression and how these could be implemented.


  • This new Model Pay Policy is available for Schools to adapt/adopt for the 2017/18 pay and appraisal cycle onwards.
  • This new Model Pay Policy replaces the 2017 September Pay Policy.
  • Any outstanding pay decisions for teachers and support staff effective from September 2017 should be made in accordance with the School’s / Academy’s current pay policy and, in the case of maintained schools, following consideration of the Local Authority’s advice to schools in Patrick Leeson’s bulletin of 13 September .

* The September 2017 Pay Policy will be removed from the SPS website on 31/12/2017

The new adopted model pay policy is available here (DOC, 406.0 KB)

The accompanying guidance is available here (DOC, 417.5 KB)

Support and Guidance for Schools and Academies on the implementation of the new policy

SPS can provide support and guidance on all aspects of developing and implementing a new pay policy for your school or Academy. The team can be contacted on 03000 41 11 12.

Schools’ Financial Services have developed a modelling tool which can support in forecasting the costs of a number of alternative pay models. Please e-mail or phone 03000 41 54 15 for further details.

Contact Details

Schools Financial Services
03000 41 54 15