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NEW School Improvement Resource - Ofsted Grab File

School Improvement have just released an exciting new product, it is a resource for the EYFS in Primary Schools.

The Early Years and Foundation Stage Ofsted Grab File is just £45.

This bespoke resource has been produced by early years Improvement Advisers for Early Years leaders and managers. It is a comprehensive but accessible working document designed to support effective and successful Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) leadership and management. It houses everything you need to know about establishing and maintaining sustainable systems to ensure all the requirements for optimum EYFS provision are in place in your school; a ‘one stop shop’, tailor-made to clarify and facilitate all aspects of EYFS administration.

From detailed suggestions for writing an EYFS policy, through to exemplars of Ofsted reports and how to formulate subsequent evaluation plans; from examples of medium, weekly and daily planning, along with tracking grids, through to classroom observation monitoring forms and parent questionnaires….and much more….this document is the EYFS at your fingertips. It is designed to aid and support high quality professional dialogues between all stakeholders. It will become an essential tool to inform and guide early years professional through the entire Early Years process.

For more information, to view samples or to order the resource, visit the EduKent website

Or contact the School Improvement Service by email to or by telephone on 03000 41 58 20.

Contact Details

Telephone: 03000 41 74 47