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Official data request from Children's Commissioner for England.

Please respond to the email sent by the Children’s Commissioner for England dated 21 June.

It would appear that most schools in Kent have received an email (DOCX, 26.7 KB) dated 21 June from the Children’s Commissioner for England asking them to complete a survey on 'Schools and the prevention of child sexual abuse'.

I have spoken to the Commissioner’s Office and can confirm that this is a genuine request for information. The Children’s Commissioner does have the powers to collect this information (which is referred to in the email) therefore all schools should respond.

Please note that the request is NOT being made under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act . All responses to this survey will be collated and analysed to inform work on child sexual abuse, and may also inform other areas of work the Commissioner is involved in.

All identifiable information will be anonymised. If any information is published, only aggregate figures will be reported (e.g. “75% of Secondary schools teach children about internet safety”).

Contact Details

Michelle Hunt