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Oil Storage - Are you Compliant?

Legal obligations for those schools who store heating oil on site.

The Oil Storage and Delivery Checklist (DOCX, 87.1 KB) has been updated on Kelsi.

Following a small oil pollution incident at a Kent school, please note the importance of completing the revised risk assessment checklist for oil storage and deliveries. All schools who store heating oil have a legal obligation under the Prevention of Pollution (Oil Storage) Regulations to ensure that oil pollution risks are assessed; and suitable controls are identified and implemented.

This checklist will help you:

  • Understand the risks this poses to people and the environment
  • Understand if and when Prevention of Pollution (Oil Storage) Regulations applies
  • Understand the steps needed to ensure compliance with regulations and reduce the risk of harm to the environment.

The checklist should be completed in addition to any relevant health and safety risk assessments to ensure you have the correct controls in place to prevent harm to people and health as well as the environment.

It is important that any small leaks or spills are addressed promptly, to avoid long term seepage into the environment through the soil or into drains and into water courses. This type of pollution can result in prosecution. The longer it is left the more difficult and costly it is to remediate.

The simple steps identified through the checklist, can prevent these costs and potentially irreversible damage to the environment.

Your attention to assessing these risks is appreciated.

If you require further advice please contact us at