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Online Safety at Christmas Time and Beyond - Template Letter to share with Parents

A template letter for schools and settings to use with parents to highlight online safety over Christmas time.

As Christmas draws near, many children may be looking forward to receiving new electronic devices or games under the tree. Educational settings may find this to be an appropriate time to highlight some simple online safety tips to help parents/carers make safer choices when buying new devices. It may also serve as a timely reminder to consider how parents/carers can help to keep their children safer online during the festive period and beyond.

To help support educational settings with this, the e-Safety Development Officer has created a template letter on the e-Safety blog that Designated Safeguarding Leads, Headteachers or Managers may wish to adapt and share with their communities.

Educational settings can access the letter and additional supporting resources at the Kent e-Safety website

For further information or advice about online safety, please contact the Education Safeguarding Team

Contact Details

Ashley Assiter
Telephone: 03000 42 21 48