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Operation Lollipop - new school crossing patrol incident reporting procedure launched

The KCC Safer Mobility Team has introduced a new SCP incident reporting procedure to improve outcomes when issues are reported to Kent Police.

Sadly there has been an increase nationally in the numbers of drivers failing to stop or using anti-social behaviour towards school crossing patrols. Whilst these remain rare in the context of the numbers of crossings carried out each day, there has been an increase in reported incidents within KCC schools.

In order for Kent Police to be able to follow up these incidents, it is important that they are reported as soon as possible for legal reasons; however, there have been occasions where reports were not able to be processed owing to the lack of understanding by the police call handler. Therefore, together with Kent Police, the KCC Safer Mobility Team have introduced a new process that provides the SCP and local school manager an incident form to be completed. Depending on the incident type, Kent Police have provided proforma statements for completion and these will be forwarded to the Traffic Summons team for further consideration.

The full process can be found in the recently updated School Crossing Patrol section of Kelsi, together with all the new forms.

Also, the September 2017 edition of the School Crossing Patrol newsletter (PDF, 515.8 KB) is now available. All SCP local line managers are encouraged to read and share with their patrols.

Further information is available from the KCC Safer Mobility Team by sending an email to

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Safer Mobility Team