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Opportunity to improve data collections

A chance for schools to participate in the development of DfE policy.

Management Information is working in partnership with the Department for Education (DfE) on a project to improve how the DfE collect data. The aim is to minimise the burden on data providers such as schools, multi-academy trusts and local authorities.

We are offering schools the opportunity to be part of early discussions that will shape how DfE will use new technology to collect data directly from schools and for you to influence the DfE policy.

The DfE research is usually done face-to-face and lasts around an hour, but they may also do their research over the phone. The DfE are currently focusing on the needs of school users and are hoping to speak with the person or people in schools responsible for the collation and analysis of Census data, to help inform the next stage of their project.

To be part of this opportunity, please send an email with the subject 'DfE Data Collection Research' to by Friday 14 June and include:

  • the name of the person taking part
  • the name of your school
  • an email address for the DfE to contact.

A number of schools will then be selected to participate and contacted by the DfE.

Contact Details

Management Information
Telephone: 03000 42 24 70