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Opportunity to represent Primary and Secondary Headteachers on Kent's Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE)

KAH have been asked to nominate a Primary and Secondary Headteacher to be part of SACRE.

The role and responsibilities of SACRE are set out below:

  • To advise the LA on matters concerned with the provision of Religious Education (RE) and collective worship in county schools.
  • To convene an occasional body to produce and recommend an agreed syllabus for RE, called an Agreed Syllabus Conference (ASC).
  • SACRE monitors the effectiveness and appropriateness of the agreed syllabus, which is formally reviewed every five years.
  • An annual report of activities is submitted to the QCDA and to Kent County Council CYPE Cabinet Committee.

Kent SACRE also publishes guidance and support materials, approves a programme of training for teachers and sponsors or supports other projects which it deems to be consistent with its responsibility to promote religious education and spiritual, moral, social and cultural education in schools.

Kent SACRE meets publicly three times a year and publishes agendas and minutes. The next SACRE meeting is 11 June 2019.

Please email Sharon Batchelor if you would like to nominate yourself.

Contact Details

Sharon Batchelor