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PE and sport premium grant exception for current academic year 2022/23

The PE and sport premium helps primary schools make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of the PE, sport and physical activity that they provide.

Given the need to make sustainable improvements, the ESFA acknowledged that during the pandemic recovery, it was difficult for schools to spend their funding appropriately. During this time, the department made an exception to allow schools to carry unspent funding between academic years. Given the continued effect that managing recovery has had on schools, they have decided to extend this exception for the academic year 2022 to 2023.

In future, the department will recover any underspend of the PE and sport premium at the end of each academic year.

To support management of the premium, before the end of the summer term, they will launch a new digital reporting tool. This is intended to make it easier for schools to meet grant requirements in relation to publishing a report of spend.