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Phase Transfer 2024

As Craig discussed during the recent Headteacher Briefings, for Phase Transfer 2024 we will be arranging Admissions Meetings with our mainstream and special school Head Teachers and representatives from the Local Authority during Term Two. We are scheduling these meetings sooner in the year to ensure there is sufficient time to reach a positive decision for all pupils.

We are in the process of finalising dates and looking for venues - if you would be happy to host the meeting please let me know.

We are mindful of how quickly your schedules will fill as the new school year starts;  your panel is likely to be held on one of these dates, but we’ll confirm as soon as you’re back

  • Wednesday 1 and Thursday 2 November
  • Monday 13 and Tuesday 14 November
  • Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23 November
  • Wednesday 27 and Thursday 28 November
  • Tuesday 5 and Wednesday 6 December
  • Monday 11 and Tuesday 12 December.

We will provide more detail about the panel(s) your particular school will be included in at the start of the new school year.