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Premises Cleaning Contracts April 16 Price Increase

On 1st April 2016 the Government’s new National Living Wage will become law. At that time the cost of providing cleaning services will increase.

The Living Wage will increase by 7.46% to £7.20 per hour. In line with the terms of the County wide framework agreement, the contractor can only apply this increase to the staffing element of their costs. I am aware from April there will only be 4 months remaining on this contract and in a bid to keep increases to a minimum, the following increase has been agreed.

  • 2.75% Metro Cleaning
  • 5.41% Steadfast Cleaning
  • 6.49% Solo Service Group

For those sites with a contract under the County wide framework agreement, your payments will automatically
be adjusted.

As soon as Kent County Council have more information on the new group contract for premises cleaning, all educational establishments will be contacted to confirm future services.

Contact details

Janet Stein
Telephone: 03000 41 60 50