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Promising Projects - final deadline approaching

Promising Project funding applications will close at 5pm on Monday 7 June 2021. This is the last opportunity to access 50% match-funding towards the EEF’s Promising Projects.

The closing date for Promising Project funding applications is fast approaching. The EEFective Kent Project encourages all schools who have considered making an application in the past to do so in this round, as it is the last time schools will be able to access 50% match-funding towards the Promising Projects. Applications for funding can be made up until 5pm on Monday 7 June 2021 through the EEFective Kent Project webpage.

Please note that applying now does not mean you have to run your Promising Project immediately. By applying by 7 June, you are securing your funding to use when it works for both you and the Promising Project you have selected. Many projects can be delivered at a time that specifically suits your school’s needs.

The Promising Project Prospectus (PDF, 1.7 MB) has more information about each of the projects on offer. Alongside the prospectus, a series of online events were held in April which saw the providers of the Promising Projects give short presentations on their projects. Recordings of these sessions are available below:

To date, 94% of schools who have applied for Promising Project funding have been successful. To secure your funding, submit an application through the EEFective Kent Project webpage by 5pm on Monday 7 June 2021.