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Pupil Premium Plus (PP+) Consultation 2016 and 2016-17 Policy Update

Term 3 has seen the first formal consultation process into the deployment model of the PP+ grant within Kent.

The questionnaire highlighted that the majority of schools found the application process easy to use with 27% finding it more challenging. There were also a number of extremely favourable comments made regarding the current system such as:

  • Improved system through ePEP
  • You can monitor your applications as it is electronic
  • You can apply for what is needed (no ceiling)
  • Easy to tie in with young person’s targets
  • Funding is available for things that are greatly beneficial and not otherwise
  • Great system support when needed
  • The fact I have so many children the annual process makes it easier to provide tutorial, counselling and any other specific resource or agency as well as reducing administration and time.

The consultation also gave stakeholders the opportunity to influence the deployment model for the next financial year 2016-17. Despite the positive comments above, schools through their responses have signified a desire to move away from the current system. There were three delivery options tabled which were:

  1. Continuation of current system (100% application process)
  2. Part direct fund part application process
  3. Total direct fund to school .

The outcome showed a preference towards Option 2 with 44% selecting this option as their first choice and 90% selecting it as their first or second choice. This compares to the option that came in second of continuing the current system, which had 28% selecting it as first choice and 54% first and second choice.

Key Changes within Pupil Premium Plus Policy Update 2016-17

The majority of the 2016-17 financial year policy remains the same as 2015-16. The key change within the update is the deployment model. The Head Teacher of the Virtual School, who has statutory responsibility of this grant and its deployment, has listened to the schools via the consultation and has moved towards a part initial payment, part application deployment model.

The schools are to be allocated £900 per CiC paid via the schools advance system in three £300 bi-termly instalments. Instalments will allow the money directly allocated to move with our young person should they need to change school.
The instalments will be paid in the June 16, November 16 and February 17 advance.

The initial allocation will also come with set expectations which include:

  • Termly high quality PEPs are completed, which can also be aligned to additional Pupil Premium Plus funding requests
  • Termly progress and current attainment data shared through the ePEP
  • Impact of interventions funded through Pupil Premium Plus are evidenced
  • Pupil Premium Plus allocation must be spent in line with the Terms and Conditions of Grant as dictated by the DfE.

The initial allocations expenditure will be scrutinised via the ePEP system and the Virtual Schools tracking and monitoring visits. It is expected that the change in deployment model will further improve transparency of data sharing between the school and the corporate parent and also have a positive impact on the quality and timeliness of personal education planning. In addition to the initial allocation, schools will be able to apply for additional funding based on evidenced need of the young person which is the exact same process as last financial year.

It must again be stressed that the use of Pupil Premium Plus must be in line with the terms and conditions of grant and therefore cannot be used to double fund or replace funding which should have or has already been allocated to the school to support the child. Specifically it cannot be used to:

  • Fund a provision or services that should be provided via a statement or EHC plan
  • Provide other statutory work e.g. statutory assessment or support from health.

Thank you once again for all the fantastic work you are doing with children in care across the county and please take time to visit the VSK website where you will find the updated statutory guidance and payment schedules.

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