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Reading Recovery Professional Development Centre for Kent

In September 2018 Reading Recovery Europe opened their new Reading Recovery Professional Development Centre for Kent and Medway.

The Reading Recovery PD Centre is open for teachers, subject leaders and Headteachers to visit and find out more about Reading Recovery
on 23 May 2019 2pm to 4:30pm. Find out how your school could train a teacher in Reading Recovery.

In September 2018 we opened our new Reading Recovery Professional Development Centre for Kent and Medway. The Flourish Federation provided a space in the Brookfield Junior building and local businesses and schools provided the funding to equip the centre with a sound-proofed, one way screen constructed between the teaching space and an observation and training area.

There are now approximately 20 trained and experienced Reading Recovery teachers teaching in Kent schools who come to this training centre for regular CPD. We now have the capacity for more Kent schools to have a teacher trained in Reading Recovery and utilise this uniquely equipped Reading Recovery Professional Development Centre.

Reading Recovery (RR) is a school-based literacy programme for the lowest achieving children aged five or six, which enables them to reach age-expected levels within 20 weeks. Reading Recovery is different for each child, starting with what the child knows and what the child needs to learn next. The focus of each lesson is to comprehend messages in reading, construct messages in writing and learn how to attend to detail whilst maintaining their focus on meaning.

Research shows that no other intervention achieves such positive, long-lasting results. According to the EEF there are only a handful of literacy catch-up programmes in the UK for which there is robust evidence of success. Of these, RR receives the highest rankings for strength of evidence of impact given by international and UK ‘What Works Centres’.

Recently launched research ‘The impact of Reading Recovery ten years after intervention’ reveals that the intervention helps close the GCSE attainment gap. ‘Too many children across the UK experience great difficulty learning to read and will face diminished life chances because of it, without early intervention. Difficulties start early and tend to persist. They are particularly common in disadvantaged children’. (Prof. Gemma Moss UCL).

The RR programme is accredited, monitored and supported by The Institute of Education, UCL. Jennifer Harrison is an accredited RR Teacher Leader. Please contact her to register.

Please join Jennifer Harrison at this Information Giving Event at The Reading Recovery Professional Development Centre on 23 May from 2pm to 4:30pm at Brookfield Infant and Junior school - Swallow Road, Larkfield, Aylesford ME20 6PY - Phone: 01732 840955.

Find out how your school could train a teacher in Reading Recovery.

Contact Details

Jennifer Harrison
Mobile: 07979600061
Telephone: 01435 810384