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Remember to undertake New and Expectant Mother Risk Assessments for your staff

We have a duty to protect new and expectant mothers from anything at work that might adversely affect them or their unborn child.

In most cases the hazards which a particular workplace or activity presents do not change as a result of pregnancy, however the mother and/or child may become more vulnerable. Our responsibilities commence from the time KCC is notified of pregnancy and extends to six months after the birth and all the time the mother is breastfeeding.

Women who find they are pregnant should tell their line manager as soon as possible and line managers must notify HR and a Health and Safety Adviser without delay. It is necessary to carry out an assessment of the expectant mother’s work and working conditions and take steps to minimise the risks to her and her unborn child.

Line managers should complete the new and expectant mothers risk assessment with the staff member. The guidance documents and templates can be found on Kelsi here

If you require further guidance please contact the Health and Safety Advice Line on 03000 41 84 56 or email

Contact Details

Health and Safety Team
Telephone: 0330 41 84 56