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Consultation underway for the review of KCCs Equality and Human Rights Policy and Objectives

You can tell us what they think by filling in the consultation questionnaire.

A requirement of the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) is that organisations prepare and publish one or more Equality Objective and review them at least every four years thereafter. The purpose of setting objectives is to help organisations to reach the aims of the PSED which is to:

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination
  • Advance equality of opportunity
  • Foster good relations between those who share protected characteristics and those who do not.

What we are proposing?

KCC is proposing a new Equality and Human Rights Policy and Objectives and would like to find out what the public think about them.

The Equality and Human Rights Policy and Objectives can be viewed in three parts.

The first sets out the KCC’s policy position in response to the Human Rights Act 1998 and Equality Act 2010. It sets out what is expected of staff, commissioned, and directly delivered services in relation to how due regard will be paid to the PSED whether the work they do is directly related to achieving the objectives or not.

The second element sets out the framework for accountability. Specifically who is responsible for ensuring that the equality duty is met in a particular context and what that looks like?

The third element lists the objectives identified by Directorate Management Teams as having the greatest impact on the equality outcomes of the people of Kent.

Where can people find out more?

We have printed the consultation document and it is available online (PDF and Word). The consultation document is also presented in Easy Read.

These documents are available to download from the diversity and consultation pages on the website.

Over the next week or so, copies of the consultation document, which includes a series of questions, will be sent to KCC libraries.

Members of the public can request hard copies or alternative formats by emailing or telephoning on 03000 42 15 53 (text relay service 18001 03000 42 15 53). This number goes to an answer machine, which is monitored during office hours.

How can people take part?

People can tell us what they think by filling in the consultation questionnaire. This is available on our website on the diversity and consultation pages.

The consultation will run from 12 July to 9 September 2016.

Contact details

Akua Agyepong
Room 2.70
Sessions House
ME14 1XQ
03000 41 57 62

Consultation team

Steve Charman
Room G51
Sessions House
ME14 1XQ
03000 41 59 37