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RIDDOR incident reporting in schools

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) have been getting an influx of incorrectly reported RIDDORs for playground or playtime incidents by various schools.

Please note a playtime fall is only RIDDOR reportable when a child has been taken directly to hospital if it happened from or in connection with a work activity.  This includes incidents arising because:

  • the condition of the premises or equipment was poor, e.g. badly maintained or faulty play equipment; or
  • the school had not provided adequate supervision, e.g. where particular risks were identified, but no action was taken to provide suitable supervision.

If a child is merely playing in the playground this is unlikely to be reported.  Please ensure incidents are correctly reported - see HSE incident reporting in schools for further guidance.

Contact Details

Health and Safety Advice Line
Telephone: 03000 41 84 56