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School Attendance Collection Service

Please facilitate any requests you receive from Welfare Call.

I am writing to you about the Early Help provision in Kent and the need to collect data on the pupils in your school, whose families are supported through the Troubled Families Programme.

In order to monitor the progress of these children and report results to the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG), which is a requirement, we need to access school attendance data for all children.

Occasionally we are unable to locate complete attendance data for a small number of children, despite referencing school census and B2B datasets. In these cases it is necessary for us to contact individual schools to obtain the missing attendance data. To support us with this, we have appointed Welfare Call to obtain this data on our behalf.

I therefore ask that you facilitate any requests you receive from Welfare Call and provide the requested data.

If you have any queries, please contact Becky Leader, Senior Management Information Officer, by email at or by telephone on 03000 41 71 18.

Thank you for your help in supporting this work.

Patrick Leeson
Corporate Director
Children, Young People and Education