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School Funding Consultation

Proposing a number of changes to our Local Funding Formula which is used to calculate your annual School budget.

We have recently launched our School Funding consultation which proposes a number of changes to our Local Funding Formula which is used to calculate your annual School budget. This consultation is necessary as the Government has announced additional funding for schools next year and this consultation contains a number of proposals which will affect the amount of funding your school receives next year. The consultation runs for just over three weeks and closes on Wednesday 24 November 2021.

I am encouraging all maintained schools, academies and free schools in the area covered by Kent County Council to respond to this consultation.

The consultation documentation consists of:

  1. a word document which provides the background and overview of the consultation as well as explaining each proposal in more detail;
  2. an excel school-specific illustration model that allows you to see the impact of different scenarios on your school budget;
  3. an online consultation response form.

You can access all of the above documentation online at the Kent School Funding consultation webpage

I recommend that you read the word document first before looking at the school specific illustration model.

If you have any questions about the consultation, please email your query to