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School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document 2021

The 2021 School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD) has now been published by the Department for Education (DfE).

The STPCD 2021 is now available.

STPCD 2021

In line with the government’s decision outlined in the STPCD, the pay freeze for Teachers has resulted in no increase to the minimum and maximum of the ranges contained within the document. The exception to this is the bottom of the unqualified teacher range which has increased by £250. There has also been no change to the values of TLR’s or the value of the SEN allowances.

The Government committed to providing every teacher, who’s full time equivalent salary is below £24,000, with an increase of £250 which is consolidated into their basic pay. This increase will only apply to unqualified teachers. The increase has already been applied to the bottom of the unqualified range and therefore Schools will need to ensure, when applying the £250 increase to applicable teachers, that those on the minimum are not awarded a further £250 to prevent an overpayment.

Although there has been no change to the minimum and maximum of the other teaching ranges there is still the opportunity for teaching staff to receive a pay increase based on evidence of performance and in accordance with the Schools’ own pay policy. The latest pay policy can be obtained from Cantium Business Solutions or found on the Service Now portal.

Schools should ensure all pay decisions are informed by evidence of performance as provided by the appraisal process.

Any pay recommendation or decision should only be made after the completion of the appraisal review meeting and any pay award should be backdated to 1 September.

Local Authority Advice to Kent Maintained Schools

The Local Authority expects that all Community and Voluntary Controlled schools will use the Cantium Business Solutions model policy as the basis for their school pay policy.

It is recommended that Schools and Academies carefully consider the financial affordability implications of any pay progression decisions. Decisions should also be made with regard to the additional funding which the school or academy is likely to receive through the National Pay Grant. Consideration should be given to the implications for both the current financial year and future years.

Since 2013, there have been no mandatory requirement to publish reference points within the pay ranges, just minimum and maximum values. The STPCD has introduced advisory pay ranges for schools to consider however there is no requirement for schools to adopt these ranges.