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School Workforce Census November 2016

Thank you to all staff in LA maintained schools who were involved in the School Workforce Census 2016.

As a result of your co-operation and help we have managed to successfully complete this statutory return to the Department for Education for all LA maintained schools. These files have now been authorised by the DfE so no changes can now be made to your school’s data for the 2016 census.

Now that we have the authorised data back from the DfE, we will be analysing the summary information which once completed you will find on our data analysis page and within the facts and figures booklet on Kelsi.

You might also be interested to know that the DfE publish school workforce statistics from the SWC which is usually available in the July following a November census on their website.

The next School Workforce Census will be early November 2017 and further information about workshops and guidance will be in the Schools E-Bulletins and on KELSI nearer the time.

Should you need to contact us before the next school workforce census then please email but in the meantime thanks again to all of you who have yet again enabled us to achieve a 100% return in a challenging timeframe.

Management Information
Education and Young People's Services