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Schools wowed by green travel

Primary schools signed up to Active Wow (Walk on Wednesday) have reported benefits in terms of pupil behaviour, traffic congestion and community cohesion.

All of the schools taking part in a KM Charity Team survey about its green travel scheme Active Wow said pupils were walking to school more as a result of being involved in the initiative.

Almost two-thirds said they believed Active Wow was responsible for reducing congestion at their school gates; and that it had a positive impact on pupils’ behaviour, knowledge and performance.

More than 43% said pupils’ concentration and activity levels had improved and 37% said they had a better awareness of road-safety issues.

The results also suggested that the scheme helped to nurture school communities:

  • 53% of respondents said parents were more actively involved with the school community
  • 40% said everyone was working towards making their school a greener place.

Active Wow encourages families to walk to school, with classes competing each week to be awarded the Green Class of the Week Trophy. Monthly inter-school challenges award winning classes tickets to leisure attractions or visits by storytellers.

Schools can find out more about Active Wow or join for the 2019/20 academic year at the Active Wow website

Contact Details

Kathy Beel
Telephone: 08442 640291