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Seasonal Flu Immunisation

Supporting the uptake of the flu vaccine in schools and Early Years settings.

Schools will already be informed that the flu vaccination programme will soon commence and that children in school years reception, 1, 2, 3 and 4 will be offered the vaccination by school immunisation teams. Reaching all children in these cohorts is a vital health intervention in providing individual protection and preventing the spread of flu and possible only with the continued support of school management and staff.

Those working in Early Years settings can support the immunisation of children aged 2 and 3 by displaying the five reasons to vaccinate your child against flu poster (PDF, 408.0 KB). Please also be aware that some children older than year 4 may be more susceptible to flu due to conditions such as diabetes who should be contacted by their GP to attend for flu vaccination.

The National Immunisation Team has been made aware of a number of letters to schools expressing concerns about the safety and effectiveness of the children’s flu vaccine nasal spray. View a letter from your local Screening and Immunisation Manager (DOC, 109.5 KB) and an information leaflet from Public Health England (PDF, 341.9 KB) providing information for Headteachers.

Contact Details

Kent and Medway Screening and Immunisation Team
Telephone: 01233 658405