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Showcase your classroom’s Bright Sparks

Schools supporting pupils with a flair for science can nominate their projects for a prize following the official launch of the KM Bright Spark Awards.

Contest judges have joined the call for entries that demonstrate the use of science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) to innovate, investigate or invent.

The annual competition aims to showcase the work pupils are producing in schools and encourage them to pursue STEM careers and achieve their full potential.

Submissions can be made by Primary or Secondary schools, or by groups of students who have collaborated on a project. The deadline for entries is 2 June.

Teams selected to take part in the dragons’ den-style final will be filmed in advance in school to show the detail of the project. This is screened at the event, staged at Discovery Park - one of Europe’s leading science and technology parks - before the dragons begin their questioning of students.

Youngsters will compete for trophies and money can’t buy experience prizes plus the overall champions’ prize of £500.

The panel of judges, or dragons, will include representatives from Astro Communications Ltd, Benenden Hospital Trust, Integrated Technologies Ltd, Pfizer, Golding Vision, Prendon Panels Ltd, BAE Systems, Global Associates, and Megger.

Bright Sparks launch 2017 from KM Charity Team on Vimeo

Simon Dolby of the KM Charity Team which is staging the event said: "Maths, science and engineering are critical to the success of the economy and it is vital to encourage the next generation to think about this as a career.”

He added: “KM Bright Spark Awards is all about making science cool and providing an engagement challenge to excite students with practical science. We really want to see what students at both Primary and Secondary level are doing, whether it’s simple coding or designing rockets."

To take part, visit the Bright Sparks Awards website

To promote the KM Bright Spark Awards in your school, use the toolkit

Contact Details

Simon Dolby
Telephone: 07989 164752