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Strengths and difficulties questionnaire completion for 2022/23

There is a statutory requirement that all local authorities are required to use the strengths and difficulties questionnaire (SDQ) to assess the emotional wellbeing of individual children in care (CiC) aged 4 to 16.

Understanding the emotional and behavioural needs of CiC is important so that the relevant support can be put in place and children are given the opportunity to achieve their full potential.

The SDQ is a brief emotion and behaviour screening questionnaire for children and young people between the ages of 4 years up to their 17th birthday. All versions of the SDQ ask about 25 attributes, some positive and others negative. These 25 attributes are divided between 5 scales:

  1. Emotional symptoms
  2. Conduct problems
  3. Hyperactivity and inattention
  4. Peer relationships
  5. Pro-social behaviour

We are asking designated teachers (DT), or a member of school staff who knows the child or young person well, to complete an SDQ form for all years from Year R to Year 11.  Requests for completion of the 2022/23 SDQ form will be sent out through the KCC portal to all DTs starting from September 2022 and will continue until December 2022. As both reception and Year 7 will be new pupils to school staff, we will delay sending out SDQs for these two year groups until December and possibly even January 2023.

We would appreciate a quick return of the form. If there are any problems, please contact VSK for advice by emailing or by phone on 03000 41 27 77.

Contact Details
Telephone: 03000 41 27 77