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The HeadStart Kent Resilience Hub is live

Our exciting new HeadStart Kent Resilience Hub has now launched. It is the “go-to” site for everything to do with the emotional wellbeing and resilience of young people.

It includes sections for our young people, parents and people working in schools and communities. You will find films, information, articles, tools and links to other helpful sites.

It includes a Resilience Toolkit that takes you through the process of assessing your school's approach to resilience and wellbeing. This will help you to join up your approach, plan whole school organisation, develop how Resilience is nurtured and provide direction in terms of forward planning and further assessment.

A quality mark is being developed to be awarded to all schools and settings that demonstrate a strong approach to improving the emotional wellbeing and resilience of their young people.

Another useful tool is the Domains Based Conversation Tool that helps map a conversation with a young person about the domains within their life that we are promoting. This is available for all schools and settings in HeadStart and non HeadStart Districts and can be found in the Schools and Communities section under Templates. In the next few days we are adding an online record for when these have taken place.

Also on the Resilience Hub are all the training, services and grants that can be accessed by HeadStart Schools in the HeadStart Active Districts. These are all on the In your District pages and there are web-links to the websites of our Delivery Partners.

The training is free for HeadStart schools and the resilience Hub sets out who these are. For non HeadStart schools the training can be purchased from our Delivery Partners.

The Training for school staff includes Resilience, Mindfulness and Youth Mental Health First Aid.

There is also Service Options that young people can be referred to on each District Page and in the active HeadStart districts these include Volunteer Mentoring, Intensive Mentoring and School Transition Family Group Work. A link to the Online Counselling partner is also included and this can be accessed by young people directly themselves without the need for a referral.

So have fun looking around the HeadStart website

Sarah Thornby, our Resilience Hub Development Officer, will be continually putting new information and resources on it and we welcome all feedback to

HeadStart Kent is a 5 year programme funded by the Big Lottery to increase the emotional wellbeing and resilience of young people 10-16 years.

Contact Details

Sarah Thornby