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The NHTSA CPD Opportunities

Upcoming training from the the New Horizons Teaching School Alliance.

Teacher Specialist Subject Training - Free Training
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We are very pleased to announce that we have secured grant funding to run the TSST Programmes again in 2018, dates are still to be finalised but we are looking for Expressions of Interest at this stage

The purpose of teacher subject specialism training is to improve the subject knowledge of non-specialist teachers and returning teachers, and aims to build the capacity of non-specialists who may be able to move into another specialism role.

Please download the programme flyers and expression of interest form for completion and please submit to

TSST Core Maths

Induction day - 18 January 2018 1:30pm-5pm
1 March 2018 1:30pm-5pm
27 March 2018 1:30pm-5pm
8 May 2018 1:30pm-5pm
20 June 2018 1:30pm-5pm

Plus an immersion day (optional) working with other schools to observe Core Mathematics in action

TSST Secondary Mathematics

Induction day - 18 January 2018 1:30pm-5pm
1 March 2018 1:30pm-5pm
27 March 2018 1:30pm-5pm
8 May 2018 1:30pm-5pm
20 June 2018 1:30pm-5pm

Plus an immersion day (optional) working with other schools to observe Secondary Mathematics in action

TSST Modern Foreign Language

  • Induction day - Monday 8 January 2018
  • Monday 12 February 2018
  • Tuesday 3 April 2018
  • Monday 4 June 2018
  • Friday 6 July 2018

Plus an immersion day (optional) working with other schools to observe MFL in action

Applications open for Expression of Interest - dates are yet to be formally announced TSST Secondary Physics.

In addition the application window has been extended for the NPQ Programmes and additionally one of the dates for the NPQML:

NPQ Programmes 2017-2018
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The deadline for receipt of applications is Tuesday 31 October 2017.

We are very pleased to announce that the UCL/Institute of Education have now received confirmation of their status as an accredited NPQ provider and as such the New Horizons Teaching School Alliance are very pleased to now be in a position to publish our cluster dates for the Academic Year 2017/2018.

NPQ Overview

Gain a qualification that gives you national recognition of your leadership development and professional achievement within a school setting with this range of Leadership Colab programmes for school leaders.

Leadership CoLab is a partnership between UCL Institute of Education (IOE) and over 200 outstanding schools and partners. As the largest National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL) accreditated provider, Leadership CoLab spans London, the south-east and east regions, as well as catering for international participants.

Through Leadership CoLab you'll get the opportunity to build and develop lifelong networks with colleagues across all phases and settings. With a proven history of delivering exceptional context-based and school-led leadership, CoLab provides world-class support at every stage of your leadership development.

National Professional Qualification for Middle Leadership (NPQML)

This qualification provides national recognition of your leadership development and professional achievement as a middle leader in a school.

You should have responsibility for leading a team, e.g. as a:

  • Key Stage leader
  • curriculum area leader
  • subject leader
  • head of development.

National Professional Qualification for Senior Leadership (NPQSL)

This qualification provides national recognition of your leadership development and professional achievement as a senior leader in a school.

It's expected that you not only have responsibility for leading a team, but you're also involved in a range of activities that affect the whole school organisation.

This programme is for:

  • senior leaders or those about to take on a substantive senior leader role with whole-school responsibilities
  • deputy/assistant heads who aren't aspiring to headship at this stage of their career
  • special education needs coordinators (SENCOs) and advanced skills teachers (ASTs) who are looking for professional development, but not aspiring to headship at this stage.

The NCTL’s Leadership Curriculum programmes can be used to gain 30 CATS points towards a Masters qualification at UCL.

Why UCL/Institute of Education?

UCL Institute of Education (IOE) is a world-leading centre for research and teaching in education and social science.

Ranked number one for education worldwide in the 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 QS World University Rankings, the IOE was awarded the Queen’s Anniversary Prize in 2016. In 2014, the Institute secured ‘outstanding’ grades from Ofsted on every criterion for its initial teacher training, across Primary, Secondary and Further Education programmes. In the most recent Research Excellence Framework assessment of university research, the IOE was top for ‘research power’ (GPA multiplied by the size of the entry) in education. Founded in 1902, the Institute currently has more than 8,000 students and 800 staff. In December 2014 it became a single-faculty school of UCL, called the UCL Institute of Education (IOE).

NHTSA and UCL Institute of Education have worked collaboratively delivering the NPQ Programmes successfully as a local cluster for over four years, we are able to show impact and career progression through participant outcomes and professional development.


All sessions will be held at Strood Academy, Carnation Road, Strood, Kent ME2 2SX.



Programme Dates
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NPQML - Leading a team

Day 1 Leading with Impact 9 December 2017
Day 2 Leading Learning and Teaching 27 January 2018
Day 3 Leading Effective Partnerships 17 March 2018
Day 4 Leading Strategically 28 April 2018
  • Resources: Online Resources, 360 Diagnostic Survey, Coaching
  • Location: Strood Academy, Carnation Road, Strood ME2 2SX
  • Assessment: School Based Project
  • Cost: £795 - Regional cluster delivery

NPQSL - Leading across a school

Day 1 Succeeding in Senior Leadership 11 November 2017
Day 2 Leading Learning and Teaching 13 January 2018
Day 3 Leading with Impact 3 March 2018
Day 4 Leading Effective Partnerships 14 April 2018
Day 5 Leading Strategically 12 May 2018
  • Resources: Online Resources, 360 Diagnostic Survey, Coaching
  • Location: Strood Academy, Carnation Road, Strood ME2 2SX
  • Assessment: School Based Project
  • Cost: £995 - Regional cluster delivery

Compulsory Core Days

Under the newly reformed programmes NPQML will increase to four essential core days and NPQSL to five essential core days. Please note that there will no longer be Elective sessions. The programmes will be divided into the following key Content Areas and Leadership Behaviours.

Content Areas Leadership Behaviours
Strategy and Improvement Commitment
Teaching and curriculum excellence Collaboration
Leading with impact Personal drive
Working in partnership Resilience
Managing resources and risks Awareness
Increasing capacity Integrity


Please register your application via the link below:

NPQML and NPQSL applications

The online application forms for both programmes are available via the relevant links on the prospective participants’ page.

The deadline for receipt of applications is Tuesday 31 October 2017.

Cluster Selection

When selecting the cluster please select from the drop-down box: 'Strood (New Horizons)'.

Programme Fees

NCTL/DfE are no longer in a position to offer any scholarship’s towards the NPQML/SL. The IOE/UCL has absorbed some of the costs and pricing remains competitive.

For participants wishing to register for the New Horizons/Strood Cluster the programme fees are listed below:


Number on Roll



176 and higher - All schools



101 to 175 Pri only



100 or fewer - All schools



176 and higher - All schools



101 to 175



100 or fewer - All schools



Before any withdrawal from the programme can be approved, a discussion must take place with the programme leader or the cluster leader to ascertain if there is any other method of resolving any issues and finding a way forward. A deferral is the preferred option to a withdrawal. However, if a withdrawal is agreed, NCTL requires you to provide a reason for withdrawal in writing and you may be subject to cancellation fees.

We reserve the right to charge an appropriate fee commensurate with length of time completed on the programme and to include an administration charge.

Refunds of programme fees cannot be made if a participant withdraws during the course of the programme.

Coaching Development Programme - Middle Leadership
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Programme Overview

This innovative professional development programme has been designed by the London Centre for Leadership in Learning (LCLL) at the UCL / IOE, in partnership with the New Horizons TSA. It is aimed at colleagues who have a coaching role in developing teachers through improving their practice. This may be facilitated by school improvement initiatives such as the STEP programme.

The programme helps participants to build on and further develop their coaching skills. It aims to develop an understanding of how, through coaching, to:

  • support colleagues in improving their practice
  • understand what ‘coaching readiness’ looks like
  • know how change affects people
  • be aware of themselves as emotionally intelligent leaders
  • effectively manage challenging conversations
  • understand what builds and destroys trust
  • and so help to develop a coaching culture within and across the organisation.

Programme Fees

£250 per delegate

Learning Model

Sessions combine bursts of theory with practical activity. In addition, between sessions participants will be asked to apply their new learning and maintain a reflective log or journal.

How coaching can support improvements in practice. Understanding the concept of ‘readiness for coaching.’

  • Coaching to support learning - of adults and students
  • Lesson observations – providing a balance of challenge and support
  • Post lesson conversations that lead to improvements in practice
  • Managing under performance through a coaching approach

Leading change and improvement and building trust.

  • What it means to lead change
  • How moving through change can affect people
  • How do you build trust - and how can you lose it?
  • Exploring the implications for you and your role

Emotionally intelligent leadership and managing challenging conversations and behaviours

  • Why emotional intelligence matters
  • Motivating, developing and managing people through emotionally intelligent leadership
  • Coaching approaches to challenging conversations and managing performance.
  • Exploring the implications for you and your practice

Programme Dates and Venue

New Horizons Teaching School Alliance in partnership with the UCL/ Institute of Education

Facilitated by Graham Dring (UCL/IOE) and held at:

The Rochester Grammar School Maidstone Road, Rochester, Kent ME1 3BY - 4pm-6pm

  • Session 1 - Thursday 26 April 2018
  • Session 2 - Thursday 24 May 2018
  • Session 3 - Wednesday 4 July 2018


If you would like to make a booking, please complete the application form and return to We will honour applications on a first come first served basis.

Leadership Suite Courses 2018
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The New Horizons Teaching School Alliance, are pleased be in a position to offer another cohort of the Leadership Suite Programmes* to start in January 2018 for teaching and support staff at different stages of their careers. The courses will be organised and led with the UCL Institute of Education (UCL/IOE) and based at Strood Academy.

In brief, the courses are designed for leaders/aspiring leaders to reflect upon the behaviours required to lead effectively. These courses could lead to the more practitioner based programmes of NPQML, NPQSL and NPQH.

*Please note courses will only run if we can achieve minimum candidate numbers.

Why choose NHTSA and UCL Institute of Education?

UCL Institute of Education (IOE) is a world-leading centre for research and teaching in education and social science.
Ranked number one for education worldwide in the 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 QS World University Rankings, the IOE was awarded the Queen’s Anniversary Prize in 2016. In 2014, the Institute secured ‘outstanding’ grades from Ofsted on every criterion for its initial teacher training, across Primary, Secondary and Further Education programmes. In the most recent Research Excellence Framework assessment of university research, the IOE was top for ‘research power’ (GPA multiplied by the size of the entry) in education. Founded in 1902, the Institute currently has more than 8,000 students and 800 staff. In December 2014 it became a single-faculty school of UCL, called the UCL Institute of Education (IOE).

NHTSA and UCL Institute of Education have worked collaboratively delivering the Leadership Programmes successfully as a local cluster for over four years, we are able to show impact and career progression through participant outcomes and professional development.

Early Leadership - for new and aspiring leaders (£595)

Who can apply?

New middle leaders or those aspiring to a middle leader role; Middle leaders who have not undertaken any professional leadership development; Professional support staff.

Leadership Day 1Saturday 27 January 201810am-4pm
Leadership Day 2Saturday 17 March 201810am-4pm
Leadership Day 3Saturday 28 April 201810am-4pm

Widening Leadership - programme for senior leaders (£635)

Who can apply?

School leaders who have already been in a middle leader role and who are ready to move into senior leadership or have recently joined a senior leadership team.

Leadership Day 1Saturday 13th January 201810am-4pm
Leadership Day 2Saturday 3rd March 201810am-4pm
Leadership Day 3Saturday 14th April 201810am-4pm


If you are interested in attending any of these courses, please download an application form and email to Janene Gladden, NHTSA Administrator,

Course Fees and Attendance

Course fees must be paid in full prior to the commencement of the programme. Full attendance is required. If you do miss one of the sessions, you can potentially attend a catch-up session at the IOE in London, however you will be responsible for securing and booking catch up sessions through the IOE - please contact Maggie Woods, Senior Administrator and Training coordinator for Widening Leadership and Early Leadership Programmes on 020 7612 6616.

Costs - School/Participant Payment

Costs are exceptionally competitive and also include refreshments and materials during the course. The courses will only run if they have viable numbers


Before any withdrawal from the programme can be approved, a discussion must take place with the programme leader or the cluster leader to ascertain if there is any other method of resolving any issues and finding a way forward. However, if a withdrawal is agreed, you will be required you to provide a reason for withdrawal in writing and signed off by your Principal or Headteacher, you may be subject to cancellation fees/exit fees. We reserve the right to charge an appropriate fee commensurate with length of time completed on the programme and to include an administration charge.

Cancellation/Exit Fees

For cancellations made up to 8 weeks before the course: 30% of the course fee will be retained, with 70% refundable.

For cancellations made less than 8 weeks before the course: no refund will be issued.

Refunds of programme fees cannot be made if a participant withdraws during the course of the programme.

Save the Dates - Kent and Medway TeachMeet 2017/2018
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A TeachMeet is an organized but informal meeting for teachers to share good practice, practical innovations and personal insights in teacher. More importantly, it is a quick and efficient form of CPD which is free.

Teachers present their teaching ideas in maximum five minute slots (these are strict time limits) to colleagues from schools across Kent and Medway.

Anyone can present an idea at TeachMeet and it doesn’t have to involve technology. The beauty of TeachMeet is that you might think the idea is simple but it could be revolutionary.

The next Primary TeachMeet will be held on 29 November 2017. Venue to be announced. If you are interested in presenting at the next Primary TeachMeet please contact Sarah Smith by emailing

The next Secondary TeachMeet will be held on 22 November 2017 at Thomas Aveling School. If you are interested in presenting at the next Secondary TeachMeet please contact Modesto Simone by emailing