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Think Park Smart

Community safety unit addresses problem parking outside Schools.

Think Park Smart is a guide that the Community Safety Unit in Canterbury has put together to help support Schools with the increasing problem with parking outside Schools. Due to the increase in the number of complaints received from Schools, Parents and residents regarding unsafe and chaotic parking in and around schools, at drop off and pick up times last academic year. Also through running our Schools Operation jointly with the Police, Kent Fire and Rescue Service, Community Wardens and our Parking team. We are aware of the problem with parking outside the Schools and the impact that this has on the Schools, Pupils and Community. We are aware that this is not only a local issue but it is County and Nationwide problem also.

The Campaign objectives

  • reduce the congestion outside the school
  • make parents and carers aware of the dangers of parking on double yellow lines and zigzag lines
  • to develop a walk to school initiative which best meets the needs of the school, Park and Stride, Walk on Wednesday, Walking Bus
  • Improve air quality around the school
  • Improve health benefits through walking to school
  • Developing road safety skills in all pupils
  • Improve Children’s awareness of their community and environment.

Since we launched the guide in September we have worked with a number of Schools in the area to help improve the unsafe parking, running interventions with pupils and our parking enforcement officers. The children designed and issued their own notices to people who have parked illegally or unsafely and we and the Schools have had some great feedback.

We have launched a Safer School Pledge to be promoted through all schools in the Canterbury District to help get parents to sign up and pledge to support the Think Part Smart initiative.

The guide has been shared with other community safety partnerships across the district.

Contact Details

Sarah Osborn
Telephone: 01227 862122