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Thoughts and reflections of accredited Portage Trainers and volunteers delivering a Workshop overseas

Tracy Harvey from Kent and Jane McHale from Liverpool, both Portage managers who are involved with the National Portage Association were delighted to be invited to deliver a Portage Workshop in Kosovo in collaboration with Save the Children.

Monday 23 October 2017

Portage Workshop started on Monday morning and was attended by 38 delegates from six different groups all over Kosovo. The delegates consisted of Social Workers, Psychologists, Therapists and Parents.

Tuesday 24 October 2017

The group worked on the Portage Small Steps approach, they took part in an activity to demonstrate how many steps there are in wrapping a box of chocolates and were surprised to find that after 40 steps the box remained unwrapped.

The next module looked at Using clear language and led into the delegates writing teaching targets for a child.

Wednesday 25 October 2017

Looking at strategies to support children’s learning with practical activities for grading toys, backward and forward chaining, use of prompts and how to adapt and change materials to enable children to succeed.

The afternoon was spent completing Open ended and Outcome focussed activity charts. Writing Long Term Aims and clear Teaching Targets.

Thursday 26 October 2017

Today brought everything together and the delegates carried out a baseline assessment , selected a Long Term Aim, completed Teaching Target and wrote clear activity charts.

Friday 27 October 2017

This was spent planning the next steps and each group formulated a short, mid and long term plan to develop Portage in the different regions of Kosovo using the Portage Principles. Some areas already offered home visiting but all were able to link Portage to their current practice as a development in what they currently offer children with SEND.

Delegates receive their Portage Workshop certificates and take away lots of new ideas and plans to take Portage forward to support children with SEND of Kosovo.