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Threads of Success - Out of School Provision

Threads of Success offers a range of high quality training to help Out Of School provisions be the very best they can be.

Our training is ideal for:

  • A school which provides breakfast or after school care for children
  • A full day care setting which has school aged children out of school hours
  • A stand-alone out of school club or holiday play scheme.

One of our key areas of focus is “Supporting and Meeting the Needs of Out of School Providers”, (Thread 11). This provides a wide range of opportunities for you to develop the skills of your staff and the quality of the play opportunities you offer. It is specifically designed for all providers who care for children aged four years and over and includes a wide range of workshops and training, including:

  • An introduction to Play and Playwork
  • An introduction to Forest School
  • Creating an Effective Indoor or Outdoor Environment.

Thread number 14, the Equality of Access and Inclusive Practice thread, includes training for children with SEND in Out of School provision.

If you are interested in developing your provision further you could consider undertaking the Out of School Improvement and Achievement Award. There is also a range of leadership and management training to support the professional development of your leaders and managers including the 3 day leadership and management training and the 5 day Outstanding Practitioners course. Please access these opportunities via the Threads of Success website