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Threatening Emails

Advice to Schools.

We have just been informed by Kent Police of another spate of threatening emails being sent to some of our schools. Please see the statement from the National Crime Agency:

“We are aware of a number of threatening emails being sent to schools and are investigating alongside our partners in the police. We understand that these types of emails can be distressing and while we take the communications extremely seriously we must stress there is no credible threat. We would ask that anyone receiving such an email contact their local police.”

KCC are just about to finalise a set of universal guidance and procedures that make it clear what a school should, and should not, do. It links together the actions of Schools, KCC, Kent Resilience Forum and Kent Police. Until this is released, the following excerpt says exactly what a school should do if it receives one of these threatening emails.

Email Threat

When an email is received that threatens a bomb, hostile incursion, chemical or VAW (vehicle as a weapon) attack:

  1. Read the email carefully and ask yourself:
    1. Is it targeted at your school, i.e. is your school named or otherwise identified?
    2. Is there a ransom or cost? What currency?
    3. Is the terminology and wording more inclined towards originating from another country?
    4. Is the spelling or grammar poor?
    5. Is the sending email address from another country?
    6. Has anyone at KCC or the Police stated that there have been several similar emails received by other schools?
  2. If the email appears to be credible, phone the Police on 999. Ask the police what their advice is in reaction to how seriously you should treat this threat. Follow Police advice if they say that you should evacuate or lockdown. If this advice is given, ask when the police can be expected on site to take control of the incident.
  3. Order a Lockdown or evacuation immediately (if you do not have a lockdown procedure, KCC offer a chargeable training module to assist you. Please see the Schools' Emergency Planning website
  4. If the email does not seem credible, phone the Police on 101. Sending an email like this is a serious crime in itself, notwithstanding the possibility of there being an actual attack ( if you find yourself waiting a long time on the 101 number, you should use the 999 number).
  5. When you phone the Police, either on 999 or 101, have the following information to hand:
    1. Email address from which the email was sent (Sender)
    2. Email address which received the email (Recipient)
    3. Exact Date/time email received (as per email)
    4. Name and contact details of the person who discovered email
    5. Name and contact details of designated point of contact for school
    6. Contact details for schools IT/Email Support Provider
    7. Details of any action taken or proposed by the school in response to the email (e.g. evacuation, early finish time etc.)
  6. Ensure you retain an original copy of the email. This is not printed and or forwarded from another person, but the electronic email within inbox where it was originally. This information may be required by Police at a later date.
  7. Phone the AEO as soon as possible.
  8. If a likely hoax, inform staff to increase their vigilance, but to carry on as normal.
  9. In the same way that you do not report phishing, fraudulent or hooking emails to anyone, there is no need to tell parents. You may decide to inform parents later, but this should be done in a very low key manner.

Phone or Visitor Threat

  1. Order a Lockdown immediately (if you do not have a lockdown procedure, KCC offer a chargeable training module to assist you. Please see the Schools' Emergency Planning website
  2. Phone the Police on 999. A threat like this is a serious crime in itself, notwithstanding the possibility of there being an actual attack
  3. The Police will either ask you to evacuate, lockdown or carry on with increased vigilance.
  4. If lockdown or evacuation, follow Police advice and await their arrival.

Remember, every incident resulting from a threatening letter, email, phone call or visit over the last five years has proved to be a hoax.

East Kent
Marisa White
Area Education Officer
Telephone: 03000 41 87 94

South Kent
David Adams
Area Education Officer
Telephone: 03000 41 49 89

North Kent
Ian Watts
Area Education Officer
Telephone: 03000 41 43 02

West Kent
Nick Abrahams
Area Education Officer
Telephone: 03000 41 00 58