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Try Angle Awards 2017 - nominations now open until 12 July 2017

Do you work with or know a young person or group between 11-18 years old who really try their best?

If so, nominate them for a Try Angle Award. It is easy - just go to the KCC Try Angle website but hurry, they are only open until 12 July 2017. Anyone can nominate and it takes just 5 minutes.

From 1994 we have been recognising the outstanding efforts and achievements of young people and groups at school, work, organisations and in their community - who really try their best. Every young person nominated is recognised for their nomination, panels will select district finalists in each category and the overall Spirit Finalists will be invited to the Spirit of Try Angle County Finals in November, so good luck and start nominating.

The nomination categories are:

  • Art - personal achievement in art, any form
  • Music - personal achievement in music, any form
  • Sport - personal achievement in a sport or outdoor activity
  • Community Action - an award to recognise the contribution made to the community or in such initiatives as school councils, youth forums charities or environmental projects
  • Good Friends and Young Carers - recognising those who spend time being a good friend or carer to another in their family or local community
  • Personal Development - an award recognising special achievement in education, training or simply turning their life around
  • Courage - recognising acts of courage or coping bravely with illness or other adversity
  • Positive Intervention - an award to recognise an intervention where an individual or group has prevented harm, bullying, discrimination or damage

Nominations are now open via the KCC Try Angle website

Nominations age range 11-18 years, and up to 25 years for those with special needs.

Please forward the link to the nomination form far and wide, and let us know if you require any printed nomination forms or posters for display.

For further information or any queries call 03000 42 14 06 or email

Contact Details

EHPS Business Support Central
Telephone: 03000 42 14 06