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Try Angle Awards - nominations now open for this year

The Try Angle Awards recognise the outstanding efforts and achievements of young people and groups who really try their best whether at school, work, college, in business or in their wider community across Kent.

Any young person or group of young people aged 11 to 18 or 11 to 25 (with special educational needs) from Kent can be nominated for an award. It only takes a few minutes to complete the nomination form telling us why they deserve to be recognised with a Try Angle Award.

Choose the category which best fits with the young person’s efforts and achievements:

  • Arts - for personal achievement in arts, in any form.
  • Music - for achievement in music, in any form.
  • Sport or Outdoor Activities - demonstrating fair play and commitment in any sport or outdoor activity.
  • Community Action - marking a contribution made to a community e.g. school councils, youth forums, charity work, environmental project and campaigns.
  • Good Friends and Young Carers - recognising those who spend time being a good friend, mentor or carer to another in their family or community.
  • Personal Development - for special achievement in education, training or other activities, making changes to improve.
  • Courage - recognising acts of courage displayed with coping bravely with illness or other adversity.
  • Positive Intervention - where an individual or group has prevented harm, bullying, discrimination or damage.

All young people nominated will receive a certificate, with many going on to be recognised with District Try Angle Awards, before the final countywide Spirit of Try Angle Awards, which will take place in the summer of 2023

If you have any questions about the Try Angle Awards or the nomination process please contact Hannah Patton by emailing