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Ukraine and Russia

Resources for teachers and parents to help support them teach and talk with children about the Invasion of Ukraine.

Whilst the present situation is not related to concerns in the Prevent space, we have had a number of requests for support for advice and resources. We want to ensure that all children and young people have a safe space in which they can ask questions, listen, discuss and express their emotions.

Why this topic matters

War in Europe is a worrying topic for all, especially for children and young people. As teachers, it's helpful to centre the human cost of war by building empathy with the people who this conflict will impact on the ground. For younger learners especially, war can be an important moment to teach about peace, hope, cooperation, and the role we can all play in creating a better future.

The news and social feeds latest information is upsetting and worrying, and some might be false news. Below are some approaches and resources that you might find useful.

Help for teachers and families to talk to children and young people about Russia's invasion of Ukraine and help them avoid misinformation 

How to Help Students Talk about the News

Supporting young people and adults with Autism

Help for Parents to Talk to children and young people and young people about war and conflict

What is happening in Ukraine guided lesson packs

Activities introducing young people to international humanitarian law - age 14 to 19

A guide, written by Educators for Social Responsibility, helps adults talk to young people about difficult issues in the world

We should not hide from children what is happening in Ukraine

Talking about war and conflict in an age-appropriate way

If children are seeing upsetting content online about what is happening in Ukraine

If you are upset by the news, it is important to know that you are not the only one and it is ok to have those feelings

Sharing feelings and getting support when the world makes us scared, confused and unsafe or like we don’t have any control

If you have any specific concerns you can contact the Prevent Education Officers:

Contact Details

Jill Allen, South and East Kent

Sally Green, North and West Kent and Medway