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Updated Teachers’ Pay Grant (TPG) allocations for September 2018 to March 2019

The e-bulletin on the 15 November provided schools with details of the schools pay grant allocation for September 2018 to March 2019. The Education Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) has now issued a further communication that will adjust allocations for some schools.

ESFA Communication 28 November 2018

In the original allocation tables, published in October, a double-counting issue affected pupil numbers in reception classes. This meant that pupil numbers for some schools were too high, and the calculated per-pupil rate for Primary and Nursery pupils was too low. The ESFA have now rectified the error.

The revised tables show the allocations for all schools, with amended pupil numbers, rates and calculations for those affected by the correction. All schools will receive at least the amounts shown in the original publication in October. Where the recalculation has resulted in a higher allocation, schools will receive an additional payment. We have indicated in the tables how much these schools will receive.

View the updated tables (XLSX, 45.9 KB) - where an adjustment has been made to the original amount detailed in the 15 November ebulletin item this will be reflected in your December schools advances payment.