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Updated Version of the Information Management Toolkit for Schools

The Toolkit has been created to assist schools in their compliance with the GDPR, the Data Protection Act 2018 and the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Wherever the Toolkit refers to a “school” this refers to local authority schools. Whilst some of the information in this toolkit will be relevant for Academies, there is separate guidance available for Academies.

The toolkit aims to assist individual schools in managing records throughout their lifecycle and to ensure compliance with the Lord Chancellor’s Code of Practice on the Management of Records under Section 46 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Although the Lord Chancellor’s Code talks about records management, this Toolkit has been entitled Information Management Toolkit for Schools to make it clear that this covers all the information which a school might create and manage rather than just “records”.

The toolkit includes a model Records Management Policy and a Record Retention Schedule.

Download the Information Management Toolkit here (DOCX, 233.1 KB).