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Using outside providers for out of hours activities on school premises

Ensuring adequate supervision and risk assessments are in place by outside providers.

At the end of last year an outside provider used a local school hall to run an after school club. Unfortunately, due to insufficient supervision and risk assessment, an accident resulted in a significant injury to a pupil, who lost the top of their little finger, fracturing the ring finger and losing a nail.

A Notification of Contravention by the HSE under Regulation 3 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (1999), was served on the school and the club provider, for a material breach, by failing to make a suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks for a drama class held at the school.

As a reminder to all schools allowing outside providers to run after school clubs on their premises, they must ensure:

  • A suitable and sufficient risk assessment is supplied by the provider for the activities taking place on school premises and in agreement with the school. It is your responsibility to agree the risk assessment and hold a copy on the premises;
  • There is adequate supervision in place to ensure all pupils are observed throughout the session;
  • Pupils receive clear safety instructions either verbally and/or through notices on the wall e.g. moving furniture or apparatus around the room;
  • A first aider is available on site while the class is in session;
  • School to complete KCC’s online accident report form and inform the Health and Safety Team immediately should a serious accident occur by telephoning the number below or emailing for further advice.

Contact Details

Health and Safety Team
Telephone: 03000 41 84 56