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What's been happening this week at Schools Financial Services

Information and details of what's been happening this week at Schools Financial Services

Financial Management and Best Practice Tips

Expenses - reimbursement for expenses incurred by staff members.

  • All expense claims should be backed up with VAT receipts where possible
  • Expenses should not be reimbursed from petty cash. In accordance with HMRC guidance, all mileage and subsistence expenses should be processed through the payroll
  • Staff members should not use personal loyalty cards when purchasing goods on behalf of the school
  • Expense claims for headteachers should be authorised by the Chair of Governors or a senior member of staff
  • Expense claims should be reimbursed in a timely manner, preferably within a month
  • For more details, please see Financial Controls section 9 – Salary Payments and Travel and Subsistence Expenses.

Please remember Early Returns are due on or before 1 March 2016.

Visit CPD Online for details of all upcoming training courses and make sure you book your place early to avoid disappointment.

Don't forget to follow us on Twitter @SFS_Kent for news, updates and info. We understand many primary schools cannot access Twitter, so we will still be using KELSI and ebulletins to communicate information in addition to Twitter.

Contact Details

Schools Financial Services
Telephone: 03000 415415