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What's been happening this week at Schools Financial Services

Information and details of what's been happening this week at Schools Financial Services

Financial Management and Best Practice Tips

Lettings – processes for managing lettings:

  • Schools should have a Lettings Policy that is approved and reviewed by the Governing Body
  • The Lettings Policy should state the agreed charges for letting out school premises
  • If a preferential rate is offered for certain groups/individuals this should also be stated in the Lettings Policy
  • Potential hirers should complete an application form and be issued with a signed hire agreement and the conditions of use. A copy of the agreement signed by both the school and the hirer should be retained in the school
  • An invoice with full hire details should be issued to the hirer for payment
  • Please see the Lettings Advice and Guidance document and the model School Lettings Policy on KELSI for further details.

Please remember Early Returns are due on or before 1 March 2016.

Visit CPD Online for details of all upcoming training courses and make sure you book your place early to avoid disappointment.

Please make sure you book your place on the Budget Setting on the Budget Planning Software (BPS) training courses in March.

Don't forget to follow us on Twitter @SFS_Kent for news, updates and info. We understand many Primary schools cannot access Twitter so we will still be using KELSI and ebulletins to communicate information in addition to Twitter.

Contact Details

Schools Financial Services
Telephone: 03000 415415