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What's been happening this week at Schools Financial Services

Information and details of what's been happening this week at Schools Financial Services

Early Years providers

There is the facility using the funding scenario within the ‘Next Year’ menu of the Budget Planning Software (BPS) to input Early Years pupil numbers. These will only be for reference; no calculations will be based on these numbers but will show on the Summary Budget Forecast report which some schools provide for governors.

If you would you like to use this option,please contact the Schools' Financial Services helpdesk on 03000 41 54 15. Once this option is available to use, we will send you a procedure note to help.

Please remember the Closedown deadline date is Monday 11 April 2016.

Financial Management and Best Practice Tips

Banking – frequency of banking

  • Banking should take place at least weekly or more frequently if necessary
  • The Governing Body should stipulate an amount above
    which monies must be banked more frequently and this
    should be detailed in the finance policy
  • Monies banked should be checked by the headteacher or designated deputy against school records to ensure
  • Please see Financial Controls – Section 8: Receipting of Income, Security and Banking here for further details.

Don't forget to follow us on Twitter @SFS_Kent for news, updates and info. We understand many primary schools cannot access Twitter so we will still be using KELSI and eBulletins to communicate information in addition to Twitter.

Contact Details

Schools Financial Services
Telephone: 03000 415415