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What's been happening this week at Schools Financial Services

Information and details of what's been happening this week at Schools Financial Services.

Look out for our newsletter which will be available via the newsletter page on Kelsi shortly. The newsletter will be sent at the beginning of each term and will contain training dates, hints and tips and useful information.

Financial Management and Best Practice Tips

Non-invoiced Income - processes for receipting income.

  • Receipts should be issued at the time for all cash received, with preprinted sequential numbered receipts for control purposes. If receipts are not issued an acknowledgement of collection should be made by entry
    in a register (e.g. for school journey collections)
  • A member of staff handing cash to another member of staff should ensure the cash is counted and agreed at the time of handover
  • Responsibility for the control and issue of receipt books should be designated to an appropriate member of staff
  • Prior to banking all monies received should be held securely in a safe or in a lockable fireproof filing cabinet
  • The custody of safe keys should be specifically allocated to one or two members of staff and only they
    should open the safe
  • Two members of staff should be involved in the emptying, counting of cash and recording of monies collected from coin machines
  • Please see Financial Controls - Section 8: Receipting of Income, Security and Banking on KELSI for further details.

Don't forget to follow us on Twitter @SFS_Kent for news, updates and info. We understand many primary schools cannot access Twitter so we will still be using KELSI and eBulletins to communicate information in addition to Twitter.

Contact Details

Schools Financial Services
Telephone: 03000 41 54 15