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What's been happening this week at Schools Financial Services

Information and details of what's been happening this week at Schools Financial Services.

The Summer Finance Information Groups (FIGs) are going well this week. Details of survey results discussed throughout the week will be available on Kelsi in the coming weeks.

Preparation for our e-learning programme is well underway, with many courses available to you from September.

We are also working hard in putting together a website which will give details of all our packages, training courses and e-learning, alongside a secure area for those purchasing the Core Financial Support Package which will allow online access to and downloading of our guidance notes. This should be ready to launch alongside our e-learning programme in September.

New corporate card application forms have been available on Kelsi since March 2016. RBS will shortly be refusing to accept the old forms. So if you have printed any RBS forms with the date 05/13 in the bottom left-hand corner, please either send them to SFS for processing as soon as possible or go to Kelsi and download the new application form.

Training Courses in June:

  • Senior Leaders - 8, 14 & 17 June
  • Budget Monitoring for KCC Special Schools - 20 June
  • Budget Monitoring for KCC Schools - 23 & 24 June
  • FMS6 Accounts Payable - 29 June
  • Budget Monitoring for Medway Schools - 30 June

Visit CPD Online for details and to book.

Read the second newsletter published in June, on Kelsi.

Don't forget to follow us on Twitter @SFS_Kent for news, updates and info. We understand many primary schools cannot access Twitter so we will still be using KELSI and eBulletins to communicate information in addition to Twitter.

Contact Details

Schools Financial Services
Telephone: 03000 41 54 15