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Wilder Kent Awards 2024

Recognising and rewarding the positive actions schools across Kent are taking in the fight against the climate and nature crisis.

The Wilder Kent Awards from Kent Wildlife Trust recognises and rewards the positive action schools across Kent are taking in the fight against the climate and nature crisis.

Schools across Kent are already doing lots to help nature and look after the environment, whether it be recycling paper in classrooms, putting up bird boxes and feeders or planting their own wildflower gardens. The Wilder Kent Awards was set up to recognise these positive actions and support schools in taking further action for wildlife.

In 2023, we had 65 winners of the Wilder Kent Awards and we’re hoping 2024 will be even greater. The more schools we can involve in the Wilder Kent Awards, the greater the impact on nature and wildlife. The natural world isn't just something for us to enjoy; it sustains us. The decline of nature puts our very survival and prosperity under threat. But it doesn't have to be like this; together we can create a Wilder Kent.

The Wilder Kent Awards are free to enter and easy to apply for; simply sign up to receive your digital booklet and submission form. Award entries for 2024 close on 31 May 2024, which will give schools plenty of time to work on projects over the coming months. By signing up for your booklet, you’ll also be subscribed to our regular awards newsletter, which will contain useful hints and tips, as well as links and resources to help you on your Widler Kent Awards journey.

If your school currently has an eco-club, gardening club or sustainability team (or is considering setting one up), the Wilder Kent Awards is the perfect project for them to get involved with. We believe that passionate pupils can be the ones to drive forward changes in school, supported of course by passionate and dedicated staff.

The Wilder Kent Awards are broken down into three categories: Protecting Wildlife, Sustainability and Carbon Reduction, and Engage with Nature. Each category contains a range of actions that you can take to help nature and look after the environment. Winners are awarded according to how many actions they take for nature and the environment, ranging from a commendation, through bronze, silver and gold.

All winners receive an awards certificate to be displayed in school and a digital badge which can be used on websites, email footers, brochures and banners to share and celebrate their success. Winners will also be invited to our awards ceremony in July 2024, which is a fantastic celebration of all the excellent work schools across Kent have taken in the name of nature.

We hope you will consider joining the awards in 2024. Sign up to receive your awards information booklet or if you would like more information, do not hesitate to email the team on