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Work at height

Course recommendations for schools.

Kent County Council’s (KCC) work at height guidance states:

Employers should make sure that only people with sufficient skills, knowledge and experience are permitted to perform the task, or if they are being trained, that they work under the supervision of somebody competent to do so.

KCC requires anyone who works at height to have received appropriate training for the work being undertaken. If the work involves low level access equipment such as stepladders below four steps, online ‘work at height’ training may be undertaken or receive a toolbox talk from a competent person. Anyone working above four steps will require face to face work at height training including practical elements.

Your work at height risk assessment will help inform the training required.

Kentec are a recommended and KCC vetted company, offering face to face training courses with a practical element:

Kentec Training Limited
Riverdale Estate
Vale Road

Telephone: 0333 666 0555

Kentec Training can also provide training on site if required, please contact them direct for further information and course dates.

Please note - other training providers are available and can be sourced directly by your school.

Contact Details

Health and Safety Team
Advice line: 03000 41 84 56