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Design Competition - Helping Parents Get Science Career Savvy

Open to all Secondary school students in Years 8 and 9, the ‘Helping Parents Get Science Career Savvy’ poster design competition is a Cogent Skills communications campaign aimed at parents.

The campaign aims to promote the range of careers in the science industries and the different routes into those careers.

Their campaign should include:

  • A design for a poster
  • A design for a postcard
  • A campaign name and slogan.

The winning school will see their campaign come to life and will have copies of their poster and postcard professionally printed. They will also receive a Cogent Skills trophy, see their posters on the Cogent Skills website and will feature in a Cogent Skills social media campaign.

Entries to be submitted by 12 noon on Friday 19 May 2017

For more information and to download the student brief, posters and an entry form, visit the Cogent Skills Completion website