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Free Yoga Sessions in Maidstone

Maidstone and Mid-Kent Mind are excited to be partnering-up with NamasteKids to offer free Yoga sessions in Maidstone as part of the next-stage of our Reaching Communities Youth Programme in Maidstone.

NamasteKids teach yoga sessions in a fun and engaging way - using music, games and partner poses to incorporate fun into their yoga workshops. The course will provide young people with a chance to connect with themselves, whilst also exploring relaxation and breathing techniques. It is hoped that these techniques will help them to better manage stressful events - such as exams, or any other life events which may cause them anxiety.

The key aim of the class will be to promote good wellbeing, whilst engaging young people in fun activities which promote positive cohesion with their peers.

These sessions will take place on a Friday, from 4pm to 5pm, with the first session taking place on the 8 November 2019.

They will be held at Maidstone and Mid-Kent Mind, 23 College Road, Maidstone, ME15 6YH.

If you have any additional questions, please email or visit the Maidstone Mind website